Hyperautomation is the process of using a system of multiple tools, like artificial intelligence, to manage and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. The automation process is amplified by another layer of advanced technology to become hyperautomation. Hyperautomation is able to take on more processes than automation in the same amount of time.
There are three groups of processes to form a functional hyperautomation ecosystem. The first includes process mining, task mining, and processing analytics. These are used to prioritize and identify the information going through the AI. The second group of processes include RPA (Robotic Process Automation), no-code/low-code, PaaS, workload automation, business logic tools including: iBPMS (intelligent business process management suites), decision management, business rules management. These are used to reduce the cost and effort of building automations. The third group, used to extend the automation capabilities, includes machine learning, natural language processing, optical character recognition, machine vision, virtual agents, and chatbots.
But why would you decide to implement a Hyperautomatic system? Well the answer is fairly simple, time is money. These systems are taking on the small menial tasks that you would traditionally have to pay someone to do. Now, those employees can focus their attention towards bigger and more important tasks. There is a bonus to doing this as well, data collection. Businesses can review the data overtime to make more informed decisions faster.